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Assessment and Survey

This section provides the assessment forms that you may want to use to document campers� learning. All four sections of the assessment form can be used during a scheduled pre-interview with each enrolled camper, to establish a baseline of that child�s reading skills before the Reading Camp begins. The appropriate section of the assessment form can be used for a post-interview with each child at the end of each Reading Camp day.

Week 1 Camper Assessment Materials
Forms and materials needed to do the pre-interview and post-interview assessments for Week 1.
  • Week 1 Camper Assessment (PDF)

Week 2 Camper Assessment Materials
Forms and materials needed to do the pre-interview and post-interview assessments for Week 2.
  • Week 2 Camper Assessment (PDF)

Week 3 Camper Assessment Materials
Forms and materials needed to do the pre-interview and post-interview assessments for Week 3.
  • Week 3 Camper Assessment (PDF)

Additional Resources:

PBS Teachers PBS Raising Readers PBS Parents