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Celebrate with the Super Readers as they add, sort, and count their way to a Super Duper party!

  • Pop number balloons with Alpha Pig. (Skill: counting and number identification)
  • Make a cake with Wonder Red by sorting the ingredients. (Skill: sorting)
  • Help Princess Presto decorate party crowns with different jewel patterns. (Skill: patterns)
  • Make music with Super Why by putting his broken records back together. (Skill: adding up to ten)
  • Play pi�ata with all the Super Readers and collect, count, and sort your treats. (Skill: sorting and data collection & analysis)

*This game is ideal for classroom use and requires a SMART Table. It can be customized for different age groups as well as different numbers of players.

Platform: Requires a SMART Table

Age range: ages 3 to 6

Player number: from 2 to 4 players



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Additional Resources:

PBS Teachers PBS Raising Readers PBS Parents