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Twinkle Twinkle!


Put a lot of extra twinkle in your child�s bedtime routine. You and your child will create a nighttime star scene using the alphabet and lots of sparkle.

  • 26 Stars cut from yellow or white paper (adults only)
  • Glitter
  • Glue
  • Tape
  • Marker
  • Flashlight
  • Write one letter of the alphabet on each star or have your child trace/write each letter.
  • Outline each star with glue and help your child add the glitter.
  • Allow glue and glitter to dry and then have your child assist you as you tape each star to her ceiling.
  • At night, lay in bed with your child. Sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star as you look up at the �stars."
  • Take turns finding letters of the alphabet. Turn the lights off and use the flashlight to find each letter.
Take it further:
  • Have your child spell out words by flashing the light on a sequence of letters. Use words from the episode (jar, car star, far, bar, firefly, cold, light, dark, etc.)
  • Star is an �ar� word. Come up with �ar� words and sing Red�s song.
  • Make an alphabet sticker chart. Every time your child masters a letter, they put a gold star next to it.
  • Readers can put sight words on the stars instead of letters.
  • Look out your child�s window. What can you see? What makes light? Help your child illustrate a nighttime scene. Use the illustration to tell a bedtime story. Maybe your child sees the moon, the sun, planets, a spaceship.
Talk about it:
  • Why did Red need to make the word �star� What happened when Princess added an �s� to the end of the word �star?�
  • Name all the things you can think of that give us light.
  • Have your child relate to the story in the episode. Do you have a nightlight? Have you ever been scared of the dark like Joy and Charlie? Do you sleep with a stuffed animal like Charlie?

Additional Resources:

PBS Teachers PBS Raising Readers PBS Parents