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Alphabet Clues


Play a game of hide and seek by using Alphabet Clues to find what is hiding.



  • Cut out with scissors (adults only) the Alphabet Letters for your child to use.
  • Take something from around your house like a stuffed animal or a picture of you and your child and hide it somewhere.
  • Place the cut-out Alphabet letters in alphabetical order on the floor to make a trail that leads to the hidden object.
  • Have your child start at the letter A and follow the letters until he reaches the letter Z.
  • Your child can sing Alpha Pig's alphabet song as he walks or for a greater challenge have your child sound out each letter as he walks on it.

Take it further:

Make a vowel trail:
  • Using only A, E, I, O and U, make a trail that leads to the object that you have hidden. You may need to print additional vowel letters so you will have for your child to follow.

Alphabet Letter March
  • Have your child place letters on objects that start with the same letter. For example, if your child is holding the letter �S� he might place the letter by the sink or on a staircase. Ask him to say the name of the letters and what sound it makes.

Talk about it:

  • What is a clue? Discuss with your child what a clue is. Give him some examples. What would be clues for certain letters? For example, what letter is shaped like an upside down V, has a line across the middle and makes the sound �Ahhh?� The letter �A.�

Additional Resources:

PBS Teachers PBS Raising Readers PBS Parents