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Ants on a Log


Make a healthy snack with your child while spelling.


  • Celery (1-2 stalks per child)
  • Raisins
  • *Peanut Butter (*For those children with peanut allergies, you can substitute with alternatives: cream cheese, peabutter, sunbutter, almond butter, taihini/sesame seed butter, soy butter)


  • With your child, separate the celery sticks.
  • Carefully cut the ends of the celery sticks off (Adults only).
  • Using a spoon, fill the inside of the celery with one of the above ingredients. Use a spoon to spread a layer of the peanut butter filling the celery.
  • Have your child place the raisins on the celery and filling in a row.
  • With the remaining raisins, have your child write the word �ANT� out on the plate. If your child is younger, help him place the raisins so that they form the letters �A�, �N�, �T�.

Take it further:

Write your name:
  • Have your child write her name on the plate with the raisins. Have your child write her initials on the plate.

Writing words:
  • Have your child write other themed words. They can be names of foods or your child�s favorite subject in school.

Raisin alphabet:
  • Have your child write the entire alphabet a piece of wax paper. Then, have your child write the vowels �A, E, I, O, U� on the plate or wax paper.

Talk about it:

  • Celery is a very healthy snack for kids to eat. What kind of other healthy snacks does your child like? Ask her about snacks that you could make together.

Additional Resources:

PBS Teachers PBS Raising Readers PBS Parents