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Make a Clock


Help your child learn to tell time while spelling the numbers on a clock.



  • Have an adult cut out the hands on the clock.
  • Using the paper fastener, help your child attach the hour and minute hands to the center of the clock. As you are attaching the hands, explain to your child that the long hand is the minute hand and the short hand is the hour hand.
  • Have your child write the name of each number next to that number. There are two different worksheets. Use Sheet #1 for younger children. This worksheet includes spaces for each letter. Use Sheet #2 for older children. This worksheet includes a space for each word. If your child needs help writing the letters, you can draw dotted letters that he can trace.
  • Before your child writes a number, have him place the hands of the clock to whatever time he is writing.
  • Have your child move the clock hands and tell you what time it is.

Take it further:

What time is it?
  • Help your child learn to tell time. Using the printable Sheet #3, have your child write the name of the number next to the actual number. Then, ask him to put the hands on the clock so they make that time. For example, for the number 2, have your child write the word �two�. Then, ask him to put the hands on the clock that the clock says, two o�clock with the minute hand on the 12 and the hour hand on the 2.

Time to...
  • Have your child write what time he does the following things. Have him move the clock hands to times as well. Your child can also use the clock throughout the day as he is about to do one of his routine activities:
    • Time to go to bed
    • Time to take a nap
    • Time to get up
    • Time to brush your teeth
    • Time to eat breakfast
    • Time to go to school
    • Time to eat dinner

Talk about it:

  • What is your child�s favorite time of day? Ask him why it is his favorite time of day? Tell him what your favorite time of day is.

Additional Resources:

PBS Teachers PBS Raising Readers PBS Parents