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Make An Invitation


Help your child make their own invitation for a playdate or party.

  • Paper (colored paper or white paper)
  • Pencil
  • Crayons
  • On a blank piece of paper write the following:

    Dear __________, I would like to invite __________ to my ___________ for a _________. Can you come to my ___________ on _______________? We can play with ________________ and then _______________.

  • For younger children, read the invitation to your child and have them tell you what they want you to write in the blanks.
  • For older children, have them write in the blanks themselves.
  • Have your child draw pictures that represent the words.
  • Now you're child is ready to give his/her friend their invitation.
Take It Further
  • Write 'Thank You' cards with your child after a birthday. You can make your own Thank You cards with colored paper, crayons and markers. For younger children, have them tell you what they would like there cards to say. Then, they can sign their name. For older children, they can write the entire card. Include a picture of your child or include a picture from the party of your child and the person you are sending the card to.
  • Write an 'I Miss You' note. Is there a friend or family member that your child has not seen in a while? A sibling or cousin in college or grandparents who live far away? Have your child write a note to a friend or family member they have not seen in a while.
  • Other invitations: Write 'Birthday Party Invitations' together. Have your child help make and decorate there own Birthday Invitations.
Talk About It
  • What other kinds of invitations do people send besides for Birthday Party's? Why do people send invitations and thank you cards to friends and family? Discuss with your child why it is important to write 'Thank You' cards.
  • In the Elves and the Shoemaker story, the Elves had helped the Shoemaker make shoes and he wanted to meet them. What are some of the things that your child can help you do? What are some things you can help your child with? Make a "big helper" list together.

Additional Resources:

PBS Teachers PBS Raising Readers PBS Parents