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Fairytale Memory


Make and play your own game of Fairytale Memory.

  • white construction paper
  • scissors
  • crayons
  • markers
  • glue stick (optional)
  • Cut your paper so you have 10 pieces that are all the same size (they can be large or small; whatever your preference)
  • Write either the following 5 fairytale items or 5 fairytale characters on the bottom of each of your 10 cards (each item and name will be used twice so they can be matched)

    Fairytale Characters
    • Rapunzel
    • Prince
    • Big Good Wolf
    • Three Little Pigs
    • Little Red Riding Hood

    Fairytale Objects
    • beanstalk
    • castle
    • shoe house
    • brick house
    • ice cream shop

  • Have your child draw the image above the word(s) on the card
  • Now, once your child has finished drawing and making all of the cards; set them upside down. (For younger kids, you can start out with only 2 or 3 of the Fairytale Characters and Fairytale Objects)
  • Now you are ready to play Fairytale Memory! Whoever gets the most matches, wins.

(Option 2 is that we could have these items be printables as well that need to be colored in and then glued to the pieces of paper; hence the glue stick I added as optional)

Take It Further
  • For older kids, play Rapunzel Memory with all 10 images from the list above using 20 cards. For an even greater challenge, come up with more Fairytale Characters and objects and use more than 10 images.
  • Fairytale Go Fish: Use your cards to play Go Fish. Start by giving each person 5 cards. Put the remaining cards in a pile facing down where all players can reach them. One at a time, take turns asking the other players for matching cards. Have your child read and identify what each card is. If the person has the card that you ask for, you get a match. If the person does not have the card you ask for they say, "Go Fish!" and you take a card from the pile. The person with the most matches wins!
  • For a more challenging game, have your child line up the cards in alphabetical order.
Talk About It
  • Ask your child what some of his or her favorite games are. Talk about a favorite game you played as a child?
  • Rapunzel and her friends used 'teamwork' to help get her down from the castle. Talk with your child about how he/she has used teamwork. What can you do with your child using teamwork?
Download these Sample Cards (PDF, 157kb) for added help.

Additional Resources:

PBS Teachers PBS Raising Readers PBS Parents